Q&A: What caused the US to go into a recession?

Question by nothing: What caused the US to go into a recession?
Why do we have a recession in the US right now?
Thanks for all answers in advance!

Question #81

Question(s) that have been deleted by me because they weren’t numbered right- numbers 2, 16

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Best answer:

Answer by jason d
It started from the sub-prime lending. Basically countrywide and other large lenders were giving out mortgages to anyone that was applying for them. To transfer this risk on the buyer they often had adjustable rates built into them. As often happens after a couple years as interest rates rise so do the payments. Many of these households began defaulting on the loans. This was exascerbated since the companies like countrywide package mortgages up and sell them off in a process called securitization where they are supposed to classify them into tranches which are good/fair/poor quality. Well instead of classifying these correctly they lumped them all together. When large wallstreet firms like merrill lynch buy these securities and sell them to mutual funds investing in fixed income (like mortgages and bonds) these funds were buying poor quality misleading securities. As more people began defaulting on their loans a lot of people flee from the market to protect the equity they have left. This is exactly opposite what they should do, but investor psychology often gives way to these wild swings. So the government will continue to lower interest rates which will in turn get more people and more importantly businesses borrowing as it becomes a cheaper and cheaper source of financing to businesses. This in turn (theoretically) will lead to cheaper goods for consumers and ultimately get us spending more. Everything in economics is cyclicle.

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What do accountants do on a daily basis?

Question by Beth 🙂: What do accountants do on a daily basis?
What exactly does an accountant do? I am thinking about what I want to major in since I am going to college in a little over a year. I’m good in math and I enjoy it, and I think I would maybe like accounting. What is a typical day for an accountant? Are there different kinds? Or do you have any other suggestions of a type of job that involves math? (like algebra)

Best answer:

Answer by Nostra
In a general sense accountants are score keepers. We keep records that show if the company is winning or losing.

There are many different specialties in accounting, but they all require the same basic training.

some accountants do general ledger work, booking the companies transactions and producing Balance sheets and income statements. some specialize in just one function such as; accountants receivable (billing), accountants payable, cost accounting, taxes, finance, banking, insurance and many more.

I happen to work in the mortgage industry and specialize bond securitizations and FHA/VA insurance/guarantees.

all accountants learn the same basic skill set, to apply to what every task that requires their skills.

As for algebra, i often use simple equations most days.

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would the current problems with merryl lynch affect my 401k?

Question by frxa: would the current problems with merryl lynch affect my 401k?
i have a retiment account with merryl and i just keep hearing about all their problems. does anyone know if i will take a hit over that? also should i cash out and get hit with the taxes?

Best answer:

Answer by The Professor
Whatever you do, don’t cash out! That is the worst possible thing you can do. Your assets at ML are probably safe, but if you are really worried….

If you are still working for the employer which has the 401K at ML, there really isn’t anything you can do. You employer determines who manages the 401K plan. However, I suspect you are asking the question because you have an account at ML from a former employer.

In that case, set up a rollover IRA account at Vanguard or Fidelity Investments. You can then rollover the proceeds of your 401K account to the rollover IRA. This is not a taxable transaction so there will be no taxes or penalties. However, make sure ML transfers the money directly to your new account.

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My question is in two parts. What are Hedge funds and how did they contribute to the currect economic down tur?

Question by : My question is in two parts. What are Hedge funds and how did they contribute to the currect economic down tur?
The second question is how do subsdies from developed countries under cut developing countries,ie,Europe and Africa.

I am a lay man so please go easy on me a simple answers will do.I am not interested in Politicsssssssssssssssssss

Best answer:

Answer by financegal27
Ok I’ll try my best to answer these questions:
1. What is a hedge fund?
Hedge funds like mutual funds for high net worth and institutional investors. Hedge funds are Regulation D offerings under the SEC code, and as part of the Regulation D requirement they are not an investment that can be offered to all investors, cannot be marketed directly to the public, and to meet the SEC guidelines they can only be offered to accredited investors or qualified purchaser depending on if they are considered 3c-1 or 3c-7 funds. They are not subjected to the restrictions of the 40 Act.

An accredited investor is defined as:

1. a bank, insurance company, registered investment company, business development company, or small business investment company;
2. an employee benefit plan, within the meaning of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, if a bank, insurance company, or registered investment adviser makes the investment decisions, or if the plan has total assets in excess of $ 5 million;
3. a charitable organization, corporation, or partnership with assets exceeding $ 5 million;
4. a director, executive officer, or general partner of the company selling the securities;
5. a business in which all the equity owners are accredited investors;
6. a natural person who has individual net worth, or joint net worth with the person’s spouse, that exceeds $ 1 million at the time of the purchase;
7. a natural person with income exceeding $ 200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $ 300,000 for those years and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year; or
8. a trust with assets in excess of $ 5 million, not formed to acquire the securities offered, whose purchases a sophisticated person makes.

A hedge fund can use a variety of investment techniques that mutual funds cannot, they can hedge positions by shorting stocks, purchasing derivatives, swaps, leverage arbitrage, etc.. They are a complicated investment, that can be very risky and require sophisticated investment knowledge to make an educated decision as to what to invest in. Though, contrary to popular belief the majority of hedge funds are often less risky an investment than most mutual funds, the reason people have concerns with them is actually due to the operational differences and smaller nature of the firms that run them. The strategies can be complicated though and while the goal is to reduce risk understanding the strategies is really important because some strategies actually are quite flawed and/or expose you to risks that are different than traditional market risk which can result in significant losses.

2. How did hedge funds contribute to the current economic downturn?
They really didn’t, I’m not sure why they continued to get blamed for it. The current economic down turn was caused by a number of things, but mostly it was due to easy credit, the excessive use of leverage by investment banks, flaws in the securitization of mortgage securities, failure of the SEC and other regulatory authorities in the oversight of these organizations, failure of the rating agencies to properly evaluate the risks of securitized fixed income products. The hedge funds had nothing to do with it. They are investors who lost money as a result of this as well.

3. How do subsidies from developed countries under cut developing countries. Well this is really best addressed by simple economics, subsidies are a type of financial assistance provided by the government to help benefit a specific industry. The problem is it artificially warps the normal laws of supply and demand. In general its the subsidies that the emerging economies themselves provide that cause problems. For example, China has historically subsidized oil prices, meaning they set the price of oil at a rate to help facilitate the demand, using the government’s surplus to cover the difference. So let’s say China wants the price of oil to be $ 20 to make it affordable for the people, but oil costs $ 50, the government subsidizes the difference and the people’s demand reflects the $ 20 price, this means that demand would be much greater than price and supply warrants, pushing up the price of oil for everyone else, so everyone else suffers. Eventually so does the government providing the subsidy because their costs skyrocket and this leads to a major downturn in oil prices as the government adjusts or removes the subsidy, demand falls very suddenly and prices crash. In the mid 1900s the U.S. government subsidized the farmers in this country to ensure that they would be able to make an attractive profit and encourage them to keep harvesting as the cost of production was rising. However the subsidy artifically solved the problem, farmers ended up producing more than was demanded, prices fell and the subsidy no longer covered the short fall so many farms went out of business. This links below also covers this issue in depth:

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Deal with the fiscal cliff and during 2013 the economy would be prudent to invest in a home?

issue by Sean : Deal With the fiscal cliff and during 2013 the economy would be prudent to invest in a house
With interest rates so low, people buy houses in the Central Valley, California, as a fou.L asset inventory current sucks and the houses are very expensive compared to the year dernière.J ‘have cash 188k and I can buy a property here in the valley, but I do not want to buy a property at this time and in 2013 they again fall down. How long are the interest rates remain low? Is the tax case related to real estate? It would be prudent to buy a home in time to invest? Excuse my punctuation. I write in haste. Thank you Best answer:

response Ursugardaddy
This will be long, but since you’re about to spend 188K, you can take a few seconds to read this. When you buy this house, somewhere in the year that you own the property will decrease the value to return. No body can predict the future, so if you can afford to buy and lock onto 3 percent something to do, but some drawbacks. Cash Advantage # 1: no worries. The process of qualifying for a mortgage is a chore, even if you show that you have important assets and incomes. You must have created a credit for a lender to be able to assess its risk to you, but with money, you are at no risk. You save time with paperwork and, in theory, the procurement process will be faster. For a seller, a buyer this species may have an advantage over those that are related to the participation of a mortgage lender. Cash Advantage # 2: low. You may be able to negotiate a better purchase price when you have cash to show, but there are many other areas you can save money. Closing costs may be less, and without a mortgage, you do not have to worry about paying points. Over time, most of the savings from the interest. On a mortgage of $ 250,000 at 7% over 30 years, you could pay almost $ 350,000 in interest. Pay $ 250,000 in advance and save your money. cash advantage 3: no payment at retirement. With mortgages thirty years is the norm, families waiting before buying a home may find they still have a balance to pay their lender when they retire. During retirement income could be significantly reduced, which makes it more difficult to pay mortgage payments. Those who have a mortgage should do what they can to eliminate the payments before retirement, but if you pay cash, you’ll never have to worry about changes in your future income affect your ability to keep your home. cash advantage # 4: You’re not a slave. I do not fully agree with the idea that debt is slavery, but when you owe money to someone else, you definitely lose some of your freedom. For example, a Philadelphia landlord has been notified by its lender, Wells Fargo, which may not even own the mortgage due to the securitization to increase its insurance covering the full replacement value of the home rather than market value of the house. The charges would have added $ 500 to their monthly bill. Although the owner might be able to correct the situation, without a mortgage, Wells Fargo was not harassment. advantage of mortgage 1: greater financial reward. It comes with a risk, but if you intend to stay in the home for several decades, and you have room, your financial gains could be greater if you finance the purchase. If after ten years, the value of the home increases $ 200,000, everything that belongs on the rise, even if you do not own the house outright. You could even increase this cash if you need money for any reason. The other dimension of this is that if the value of the home decreases, you are on the hook for the loss, and in many cases, you might find yourself under water, due to the lender more than your home is worth. Mortgage Advantage # 2: buy a bigger or better house. Even if you have the opportunity to buy a house with the money, you may still want to choose a mortgage. If you expect to have more money on the way, you can use your current assets to help pay for a bigger house, if it is something that is important to you. 188K with cash today, for example, you can either buy a house without a mortgage or use part or all of the money for closing costs and a down payment. As you would expect more income in the future to pay the mortgage, you can use the cash today to your advantage. advantage of the mortgage 3: obtaining tax relief. Yes, it is true that at least as of today, there is a tax deduction for mortgage interest. This is not such a big advantage that most people believe, however. You get only a portion of each dollar of interest you pay and the benefit is limited by income. Even with a salary of middle class, you might be prevented from taking this deduction. Of course, if you pay cash for a house, you pay no interest, which is much better than paying interest and get some of that back the government. advantage of the mortgage 4: asset diversification. Having money to spend is not the only consideration. If the home you want 178K cost you $ 188,000 in cash ready to go, you’ll be left with only $ 10,000 for all of your other savings needs, including an emergency fund. Using all your money to buy the biggest house your money can buy is to put all your eggs in one basket. If you have enough money to buy a house requires only a portion of your property, you can always consider your statement of financial security, but once you transfer all your cash savings in an illiquid asset such as a home, you may have trouble getting cash when you besoin.Prenez care

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Which party was responsible for the Community Reinvestm act ?

Question by Repairmanjack: Which party was responsible for the Community Reinvestm act ?
This was the legislation that that forced banks to lend to people that could not pay it back. Were far left lobbyests involved? Was ACORN involved? Did they make money off this?

Best answer:

Answer by Nikki
Democratss. Yes. Yes. And yes.

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The main trends in Securitization?

Question by Johnnie Walker: The main trends in Securitization?
Which of the following is not one of the main trends in securitization?

a) increased demand for liquidity
b) increased demand for information-sensitive securities
c) increased demand for information-insensitive securities
d) management of prepayment risk
e) none of the above

Best answer:

Answer by Amazing Grace
e seems to be the best option

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Q&A: has Obama repealed the Community Reinvestment Act yet, since it is what caused the crisis?

Question by Iceman: has Obama repealed the Community Reinvestment Act yet, since it is what caused the crisis?

It is the biggest thing. The subprime mortgage crisis was the foundation for this mess.
future fate – obviously you know nothing about the Community Reinvestment Act. Several economic experts point to this forcing banks to give out bad loans.

Best answer:

Answer by Believe in Possibilities
I wish it were that simple, but it is not what caused the crisis. That is right-wing propaganda.

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What are the experience yard stick for America’s presidency?

Question by HONEY: What are the experience yard stick for America’s presidency?
What are McCain’s educational qualifications?
What are Obama’s educational qualifications?
Has any of these two candidates ever hold the following positions:
secretary of states?
Vice presidency?
defense secretary?
Does voting for Iraq war that killed over 4100 Americans makes one an experienced candidate?
Which of these candidates have shown better quality of life success and hope for America?
Does being senile/demented constitute positive experience for the white house?

Best answer:

Answer by thomas
As commander in chief, he should have military experience.

McCain: A
Obama: F

He should have leadership abilities.

McCain: A
Obama: F

He should have demonstrated courage.

McCain: A
Obama: F

he should have deep experience in government.

McCain: A
Obama: D!

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Can someone explain the securitization process?

Question by Itsybitsy: Can someone explain the securitization process?
and the precautions the originator takes for issuing the securitized instrument?

Best answer:

Answer by ronwizfr
Imagine a real estate company needs money to invest in a new project. The three classic ways to raise new capital are a loan, a bond issue, or a stock issue. However, stock offerings dilute the ownership and control of the company, while loan or bond financing is often expensive due to the credit rating of the company.

Securization is another possibility.

Imagine the company has a lot of mortgages or leases outstanding. Those will provide a steady income stream over the next couple of years.
The company can not demand early repayment on the leases and so it can not get its money back today. What it does instead is sell the rights to the cash flows to someone else, in exchange for a lump sum today.

Several precautions have to be taken.

In case of bankruptcy of the issuer, the mortgages would have to be distributed among it’s creditors. To prevent this the pool of assets is transferred to a separate entity, the special purpose vehicle.
Secondly, the income stream might not be very sure itself, so to increase the creditworthiness the assets pool might contain also other loans with a higher credit rating. The cash flow might also be insured by another company, specializing in such “surety bonds.”

All in all, it’s fun stuff: take one brick of the pyramid away and ….

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Q&A: Why is Obama blaming Wall Street executives for the economic crisis ?

Question by Jim R: Why is Obama blaming Wall Street executives for the economic crisis ?
For the most part, Wall Street was playing by the rules which were set and/or mandated by Congress. Why are Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, the Carter/Clinton Community Reinvestment Act, etc held blameless by this President-Elect? Moreover, why should we trust/allow these same politicians who helped to create the crisis to be tasked with solving the issue?

Best answer:

Answer by The Breeze
uh, maybe because they caused it and now they are flying to Washington DC on their private Lear jets, begging for handouts? Duh…

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Q&A: Can somebody tell me what would happen if the US was to default on its debt?

Question by Tee: Can somebody tell me what would happen if the US was to default on its debt?
How that would affect the economy, stocks, and commodities in general. Take a guess at how events would unfold.

Best answer:

Answer by Tim
Value of the dollar could decline forcing a massive hyperinflation bubble. 1920’s post war Germany and the mark would be a prime example of such events under the Weimar Republic. In 1923, the value of the mark was 4.2 trillion marks to a single dollar. A pint of milk cost consumers 30 billion marks.

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Q&A: Explain why one would expect the interest rates on collateralized loan & unsecured loan to differ?

Question by J1: Explain why one would expect the interest rates on collateralized loan & unsecured loan to differ?
What would that difference be?
this question is about short-term financing.

Best answer:

Answer by financegal27
A Collateralized Loan is backed with securitization payments in the form of different tranches. Financial institutions back this security with receivables from loans. So it is less risky than an unsecure loan, therefore more risk means investors need a greater reward. An unsecured loan would have a higher interest rate than a collateralized loan.

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Can principles of structured finance be used in single bank management?

Question by Artyom: Can principles of structured finance be used in single bank management?
bank usually takes money and gives them as loans. Is there any theory about structured finance principles used in single bank management. Make tranches by persons who give bank money, and paying them back by waterfall rules.

Best answer:

Answer by Mohammad
1. By ‘single bank management’ do you mean ‘unit banking’ (that banks having only ‘single’ office, as distinct from ‘branch banking’ with many offices)?

2. Any way, whatever type of bank you have in mind, the principles of bank finance are same for all the types of banks.

3. Usually, Central Banks of a country (or banking regulatory authorities) issue general guidelines to banks in regard to bank finance.

3. So, the bank you have in mind can follow the structured finance, if it has the necessary expertise and the organisational strength.

4. Please go through a book “Structured Finance: A Guide to the Principles of Asset Securitization” at:


5. You may also visit the relevant sites at the following link, for more information:


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How hard is to get a finance for a machinery for $65 000?

Question by poopi: How hard is to get a finance for a machinery for 000?
I’m planning on getting a machine for $ 65000, I’ve never had any loans or buy a new car. My credit scores are not good in 2 bureus are 670 and Expirian is 570. I’m trying right now to improve my credit scores but it’s not easy, takes time. I applyed in City Financial for a personal lon (not that I need one) but just to try to get the loan and pay it off. But I was denied. So I decided to use more of my credit card so it will show in my cradit report that I had a bigger loan ($ 7000). And then pay off the credit cards. If you have any ideas what shoul I do I’ll appreciate you answer. Thank you in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by das_coon
It will be very hard to get a loan for 65,000 with little credit history. What will make it even harder is if you can’t show income.

The manufacturer of the equipment may have finance available through them, since if you default, they can take back possession. Most banks will consider a piece of machinery a poor securitization option because there is such a limited market.

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What were/was/are/is the main causes of the economic situations?

Question by Jimmy H: What were/was/are/is the main causes of the economic situations?
I use those 4 terms because are the problems current day? Are they singular? There is the whole idea that if you get to the root of a problem, you can fix it. Is that applicable in this situation?
Also, does the stock market play any role?
While I’m here. Many people say “invest in gold/ silver.” Does that translate to just buy it, or how else do you invest in it?

Best answer:

Answer by Hereese
over speculation
sub prime loans
housing market, which is connected to sub prime loans

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True or False? Securitizations of financial claims and securities such as mortgages have reduced the risk?

Question by answerman: True or False? Securitizations of financial claims and securities such as mortgages have reduced the risk?
facing international investors.

Best answer:

Answer by meg
That is what the wall street bank believed and the credit rating agencies agreed. They thought by packaging mortgages from different regions of the country they could reduce the standard deviation in the return , and that is how risk is measured in finance. They assumed that each real estate market was and independent, that is the price movements in Florida and California were not correlated, What was missing from the calculations was the catastrophic loses that would result if home price fell in all markets at the same time, one outlier like that can cause a big increase the standard deviation even if it has a small probably.

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