Question by The Federalist: “PAY FOR PERFORMANCE ACT OF 2009″…is this the beginning of a nationalized economy?
Barney Frank has introduced a bill in congress that would give the Government authority to set the salary of EVERY SINGLE employee of companies who have utilized government capital aka bail out funds…
Since Frank’s policies are a large part of why we are in this mess doesn’t seem like this was all planned? Force low standards on lending….greenlight the securitization and selling off of government chartered debt….watch it infect the banking system….give hand outs to sick banks….impose complete control over those banks now that they owe billions of dollars.
Barney Frank is as much to blame for this economic mess as anyone on Wall Street or in Washington DC and he wants to use the crisis that he helped create to take total control of the companies that his policies put at risk…It’s like a sick little toad who wants to show all the giants of industry at the private organizations that keep this country moving in a positive direction that the dimwits in Washington are going to take over their jobs by force.
Barney Frank should be tarred and feathered on the steps of Capital Hill and sent to jail for crimes against society and abuse of power. He is the most detestable type of politician I can imagine exists…the type who causes problems with his ignorance and then uses the damage to his own benefit…all while blaming others.
The idea that the failing of these companies will set off a massive depression is a falacy….they told us the exact same thing when GM and Dodge came hat in hand two months ago…they gave them 30 billion because they couldn’t afford to fail….now GM is talking about going into Chapter 11 bankruptcy….so the 30 Billion dollars was wasted and the end result is still the same…And you who said people don’t get to demand better pay….your right…no one will be paid better for better work…so no one will work hard…and the country will slowly diminish under th guise of “fairness”…”THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS” this policy of taxing the producers to provide to the challenged will not stop until the last bone of the last taxpayer is picked clean and their is nothing left to take…the envious ones who have not suceeded will continue to elect those who will take from the producers in this country until their is nothing left…socialism is a failed principle.
Best answer:
Answer by demonhunter5110
i agree. that goes for all of Obamas cabinet. whats he thinking electing the former federal reserve. what a joke. thats how our government or better yet a combination of the bankers and government always work. they did a similar thing to create the first depression and they are doing it again. heres what ya do. April 15 come join American on the new tea day protest. ill give you a link all you do is pick your state and find one in your area. we need protesters from evry state. lets start the revolution!!
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