I want to take a minute to talk about Las Vegas accounting services that you receive from your CPA. Las Vegas CPAs often provide what we call “compliance services” such as: financial statements that are required for banks or other lending institutions, or tax returns which, of course, our government requires. But the accounting services that really mean the most to clients are those that aren’t required, but that really add value to you and your life. Those services we call “value-added services”.
And so when you’re looking for a CPA and trying to decide how you’re going to employ someone to do those things that have to be done (those compliance services) also find out from them if they have an interest in, or a history of, providing these “value-added services”. These accounting services include: helping you plan for retirement, helping you look for ways out of your business, exit strategies, succession planning, those kinds of things, as well as how to take the money that you make in your business, in your life and retain it so that you can live the life that you like through your retirement years.
The important thing is to make sure that your accountant is offering you the services that are most important to you life. Keep this in mind the next time you meet with your CPA to discuss possible Las Vegas accounting services.
I’m a Las Vegas CPA who just came out of a meeting with a bunch of students. They were down at a recruiting visit down in Southern Utah. And one of the things we told them when they’re looking for an employer is to “find your fit”. And that is an absolutely important tip I can give to any business owner as well: When you’re looking for an advisor – your attorney, your insurance agent, your Las Vegas CPA – these are people you’re going to have to trust an awful lot with the personal details of your life and with the success of your business in some case, and so you need to take the time to interview people and see whether you relate to them, and whether it’s somebody that you can trust, someone you can get on the phone and talk to, and someone who shares your values.
Maybe they have a similar appetite for risk. You may not be as cutting edge as your CPA wants to be on taxes, and that may make you uncomfortable. Or, your CPA may be more conservative than you want to be. So it’s very important that you spend the time on this relationship at the front, because it’s much easier to spend it then, than to change CPAs every 2 or 3 years. So, “find your fit” when choosing a Las Vegas CPA.
One of the things that I love about talking with my business audit clients in Las Vegas is helping them to find their story. Everybody has a reason to do what they do. You didn’t start off one day and decide to start a Las Vegas grocery store. It was in your blood; your dad did it, your uncle did it, your mom did it, or you were a stock clerk and loved the business. Whatever it was, you’re passionate about whatever it is you chose to do, and I love find the root of that passion for my clients, and helping them re-discover what is was that made them love their job when they started before we help them with their business audit.
Often times, as businesses grow, they become harder to run. You have employees and levels of management and it’s a long way from you in the CEO suite down to the person, the little old lady that used to come by and buy produce from you (in my grocery example). So by helping clients identify what they’re passionate about, we can try to structure their business back to the activities that give them the most happiness. That’s an exciting thing that any business owner should keep in mind: “What are you passionate about?”. Try to find a way to do that in what you do every day. Your Las Vegas business should be more than finances, taxes, an audits – find your passion.
If you are interested in learning more about: http://www.sabcpa.com”;>Las Vegas Accounting Services, then visit the Stewart, Archibald and Barney site and learn more about this http://www.sabcpa.com”;>CPA Las Vegas now!

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