Federal Grants Expert to Offer Guidance on Overcoming Federal Grant Reporting Challenges

Washington, DC (PRWEB) September 12, 2014

Because of the way that grant programs are designed, federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities must rely heavily on the timeliness and accuracy of reporting. Late or inaccurate submissions have been seen for years as the first indication of grants management problems. More recently, grant reporting has taken on a new dimension government transparency. Meeting Federal Grant Reporting Challenges Supporting Your Claims and Feeding Federal Databases, the Sept. 22 Federal Fund Management Advisor webinar, will sort through the current and future reporting requirements that organizations are facing, and offer advice on how to best meet them.

Prinicipal of Federal Fund Management Advisor and federal grants expert Bob Lloyd will present for 60 minutes and follow with 30 minutes dedicated to individual questions. Participants will get answers to questions such as:

Why did the Federal Government sue the Wall Street banks that sold Fannie and Freddie bad mortgages?

Question by ideogenetic: Why did the Federal Government sue the Wall Street banks that sold Fannie and Freddie bad mortgages?
Shouldn’t the “buyer beware”* or is there a role for regulation to prevent criminal economic activity in the debt securitization markets that lead to catastrophic financial collapses?

* Since S&P had ‘AAA’ ratings on the junk paper, how would the buyer know?
For those who missed it:
“Federal Regulators Sue Big Banks Over Mortgages”

Best answer:

Answer by TheOnlyBeldin
Because Barney won’t let them go after the true culprit: Fannie and Freddie themselves.

Add your own answer in the comments!